Stefan Andersson-Engels received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Lund University in Engineering Physics 1985 and Physics 1990, respectively. He was a postdoc at McMasters University in Canada 1990-1991. He has since been at Lund University, and became a full professor in 1999. He is presently the director of the Lund University Medical Laser Centre and was the deputy head of Atomic Physics Division at Lund University 2009-2014. He is a topical review editor for J. Biomed. Optics and an editorial board member for J. Biophotonics. His research interest includes tissue optics as well as applications of light in biomedical diagnostics and treatments. We were in Lund introducing photodynamic therapy in Scandinavia, and pioneered research on ALA-induced protoporphyrin IX in clinical diagnostics and treatments. We further developed interstitial PDT with feedback to have online dosimetry control. This was manifested in a successful trial for prostate cancer treatment and in founding a spin-off company: SpectraCure AB. In ISI Web of Science he has 258 publications with an H-index of 41.