Fiona Regan is associate professor in environmental sensing at Dublin City University (Ireland; DCU). She studied environmental science and technology at the Institute of Technology in Sligo and completed her PhD in analytical chemistry in 1994. She carried out postdoctoral research in optical sensing at DCU and later took up a lecturing position at Limerick Institute of Technology. In 2002, Fiona joined the School of Chemical Sciences (DCU) as a lecturer in analytical chemistry. In 2008, she became senior lecturer and in 2009, became the Beaufort Principal Investigator in Marine and Environmental Sensing. She established the Marine and Environmental Sensing Technology Hub (MESTECH; DCU) in 2010. Fiona’s research focuses on environmental monitoring using sensing and passive sampling. She has special interest in priority and emerging contaminants as well as the establishment of decision support tools for environmental monitoring using novel technologies and data management tools. Her work includes the areas of separations and sensors (including microfluidics), materials for sensing and antifouling applications on aquatic deployed systems. She serves on the editorial board of the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2013-present) and is associate editor on the RSCs Analytical Methods.
More Information can be found here.