Dermot Diamond received his PhD and DSc from Queen’s University Belfast (Chemical Sensors, 1987, Internet Scale Sensing, 2002), and was vice-president for research at Dublin City University (Ireland; 2002-2004). He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, is a named inventor in 19 patents, and is co-author and editor of five books. He is director and founding member of the National Centre for Sensor Research ( at Dublin City University, and an SFI-funded investigator in the INSIGHT Centre ( In 2002, he was awarded the inaugural silver medal for sensor research by the Royal Society of Chemistry (London) in 2006 he received the DCU president’s award for research excellence, and in 2015 he was received the president’s award for innovation. In May 2014, in recognition of his academic contributions and achievements, he was admitted to membership of the Royal Irish Academy. In April 2015, he was awarded the Boyle Higgins gold medal by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland in recognition of his research achievements. His research is focused on the fundamental science of stimuli responsive polymers, the development of futuristic autonomous chemical sensing platforms and the use of analytical devices and sensors as information providers for wireless networked systems i.e. building a continuum between the digital and molecular worlds.
Details of his research can be found here.