Ben Zhong Tang received BS and PhD degrees from South China University of Technology and Kyoto University, respectively. He conducted postdoctoral research at University of Toronto. He joined the Department of Chemistry at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology as an assistant professor in 1994 and was promoted to chair professor in 2008. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009 and the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2013.
He has published more than 650 papers. His work has been cited over 20,000 times, with an h-index of 82. He is listed by Thomas Reuters as a highly cited researcher in categories of both Chemistry and Materials Science. He has opened a new area of research on aggregation-induced emission, which was ranked as one of the top 100 research fronts by Thomas Reuters in 2013. He received a State Natural Science Award from Chinese Government in 2007. He is serving as editor of Advances in Polymer Science (Springer) and associate editor of Polymer Chemistry (RSC) as well as a science news contributor to Noteworthy Chemistry (ACS).
His research interests are the exploration of new polymerization reactions, synthesis of new functional (macro)molecules, decipherment of new luminescent processes, creation of new advanced materials and development of new fluorescent biosensors.
For more Information, please visit Prof. Tang´s Homepage.