Professor Michael Kühl received his Master of Science in Biology in 1988 followed by a doctoral degree in Microbiology in 1992, both at Aarhus University (Denmark). Soon afterwards he became a senior scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Biology in Bremen (Germany), where he founded and headed the Microsensor Research Group from 1995-1998. In 1998, he obtained a prestigious 5-year danish research fellowship, enabling him to establish a research group at the University of Copenhagen. Since 2003, he is a full professor in Aquatic Microbial Ecology at the University of Copenhagen. In 2010, he accepted an adjunct professorship at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia, where he established a satellite research group on marine symbioses. Since 2011, he is also a visiting professor at the Singapore Centre on Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, National Technological University (Singapore).
Currently, Michael Kühl has >200 publications and presented >30 invited lectures at international meetings. His scientific work has been awarded with the Ole-Rømer Fellowship (1998) and the Sapere-Aude Advanced grant (2013) from the Danish Council for Independent Research. He has been elected as a fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2006). His research focuses on the development and application of microanalytical tools for studying microenvironmental controls of metabolism and behaviour in aquatic organisms and communities and he describes himself as follows:
"I am a microbial ecologist with broad interdisciplinary interests ranging from technicalities of sensor development, over a fascination of single-cell microbiology and behaviour, to studies of microenvironmental controls and microbial interactions in aquatic communities and ecosystems. I enjoy working at the boundaries and interfaces of different scientific disciplines and implement sensor chemistry, photonics, and advanced imaging in my research.”
For more detailed information, please visit Michael Kühl´s Website at the University of Copenhagen.